
The future demands cleaner, better and more sustainable solutions. Read more about how we empower the green transition and why sustainability is the core of our very existence here.

Sustainability is an integrated part of our strategy and operations. Our Vision, Mission and Values are the base of our sustainability strategy and targets and they define the framework for our process and product development and responsible business practices. It has a growing importance for our business in the future.

Sustainable Development Goals

As a company, we are passionately committed to working systematically towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Our key goals are selected based on the industries in which we operate and the products we produce, develop and deliver.

Our Key Goals

  • Affordable and Clean Energy

Our expertise within energy production, optimization, and distribution allows energy companies to get the most out of their resources and can play an important role in enabling an energy future with a greener, yet more volatile energy mix and increased electrification.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

We take part in several innovation projects on smart communities and enhanced use of renewable resources locally, which fuel electrification and renewable energy consumption and reduce the need for new grid investments.

  • New innovations and service operations for a more sustainable future

We contribute to sustainability by participating in energy efficient solutions, life-cycle optimization, improved product and production efficiency.

  • Personnel commitment and well-being

We have key personnel commitment plans with career planning, education, and rewarding. Also we try efficient and flexible use of resources where personnel satisfaction is our top priority.

The focus areas contain defined strategic objectives and actions, which are measured, followed-up and reported to the top management on a regular basis.

Environmental Responsibility

Our objective is to offer energy and material efficient solutions and processes. We are continuously working to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions in order to achieve carbon neutrality in the long term. We strive to minimize the amount of waste generated by our activities and to maximize waste recycling. In addition to waste management, the most significant environmental considerations related to our operations are energy consumption and the management and control of isolated incidents. We are committed to recognizing and observing all environmental laws and regulations related to our operations. We monitor the environmental impact of our activities and implement actions aimed at reducing negative environmental effects.

Social Responsibility

We strive to minimize any potential negative effects of our operations or products on health and safety. We promote the physical, mental and social welfare of our employees through preventive health care and measures aimed at maintaining workability. We also encourage healthy lifestyles among our employees. We value our personnel and invest in their competence and wellbeing so they can offer the latest solutions and services to our customers.

Our objective is to improve the safety culture and preventive and proactive occupational health and safety operations. We have a zero vision regarding work related accidents for our personnel as well as for our contractors.

Enabling Reduced Emissions and Resource Efficiency

To implement sustainability is an essential part of the Axonai internally and externally. Therefore we shall actively seek business and innovation opportunities in line with the UN’s sustainability goals, and document sustainability impact of Axonai’s innovation investment and business cases. We shall also establish case examples on Axonai’s impact on sustainability factors such as reduced emissions, increased share of renewable energy and resource efficiency.

Ethics and compliance

In order to maintain and develop our ethical business conduct, and to ensure a holistic workflow across the organization, we have committed to update and distribute Code of Conduct to all employees. Furthermore, we shall improve our reporting on ESG measures and impact, map external networks to see if there are other areas where Axonai should take part.